Treachery Timeline (maintained by Zhelavar)
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Recording the history
of the Treachery server
in the MMOG Shadowbane


--Union of Guilds Charter
--University of Treachery



4/9 Union of Guilds charter / plan.

This was written out by our Serpent Lord Versatyle. FSS supports and is going to sponser this union of guilds. Please those that read what Versatyle has written and wish to join the union of guilds, contact him at.
ICQ [removed]
Email [removed]

or sent tells in game to, Luthraxe, Versatyle, Druez.

Have a good day.

Ok been thinking about this alot and I think that Ive came up with some ideas that might prove to be both profitable and tangible.

Alliance/Union of small independent guilds for mutual proliferation and defense.

Creation of the Nation.

The original Nation, henceforth called Union, will have two levels of participation.

Full membership(What the Union provides for you)
1) Open access to all Union towns and merchants
2) Mutual defense of territorial towns
3) Union Sponsored Events
4) Full Voting privledges on all Union business
5) Share of the profits from central Union town
Full membership(What you provide for the Union)
1) Defense of Union towns
2) Financial support of the central Union town

Select membership(What the Union provides for you)
1) Open access to all Union towns and merchants
2) Mutual defense of territorial towns
3) Union Sponsored Events
4) 1/2 vote in matters of union foreign policy and politics, no vote in Union economic policy.

Select membership(What you provide for the Union)
1) Defense of the Union towns.

Creation of the Central City of the Union.

Elements required

Tree of Life

Then by vote of the member guilds the Central Union city will elect a forge type and extensively train merchants in that particular field. My primary suggestion would be to rank a swordsmith to the highest levels to provide an avenue for non-aligned or citizens, and non-citizens to purchase very sought after equipment such as 100% T-swords.

All full member guilds at the time of chartering will pay an equal amount for the purchase of the Tree of Life, Bursar, Sage, Runemaster, their facilties, and towards upgrading elected forge type. All other facilities will be voted upon and paid for by the collective guilds on a need to add basis.


Union has 5 member guilds

After completion of the previously stated components, guild 1 proposes the construction of city walls, the other 4 guilds agree and equally fund the project.

Guild 2 proposes the construction of a daggersmith, and although required in the future the member guilds vote to focus on the sword market for the time being. The vote fails 3-2

Guild 3 proposes the construction of a barracks for defense of the city. The measure passes by the margin 3-2. And the Union collectively pays for the construction of a barracks.

This could be a very viable political and economic model for said union of small guilds.


Part II union guild structure.

Economic advisor. Independent union representative responsible for collection of dues, and execution of the inner circle's fiscal policy.

Each guild will send an ambassador to the guild innercircle, herein refered to as the planning committee. In case of an even number of guilds participating in the planning committee one member will be randomly selected to participate as the chair of the committee. Terms of the chair service will be brief, and will be shared in intermittent periods of times between all full member guilds

Duties of the planning committe.
1) To formulate valid economic plans to the measure of building and maintaining the central city of the Union.
2) Discuss all matters of foreign origin and policy.

Duties not to be covered by the planning committee.
1) Union member guild policy

Each guild will need a duely noted representative treasurer who will be required to make payments and statements to the economic advisor of the union.

Upon discussion of mutual defense. Eartwulf brings up a valid point about mutual defense, however since each corresponding guild town will be a valuable possession to each of the union guild members it is reasonable to assume that defense of such town would fall upon said Union members.

IE, in theory all Union towns will be constructed and paid for by the Union, and it would normally be in the best interest of the Union to defend those towns.

In exemplary circumstances, the planning committee could possibly make a ruling not to defend a town. But the situation for this to occur would have to be fairly severe. IE if a guild violates its own policies bringing wrath down upon itself.

I want to emphasize this point, each town will provide a valuable resource to the Union and it is very important to defend those towns from aggressor's. Several of the larger guilds have already taken aim at our attempts to forge this alliance, and with its success im sure the defense attempts will shortly follow. We represent a clear and tangible threat to them, and their power base

The central City of the Union will be an open city in the beginning. This is to facilitate economic gain from outside sources, and subplant the trememdous economic strain which support of this town may temporarily place upon member guilds. This policy will most likely be reviewed at the first Planning committe meeting.

Construction of Union Towns.

Resources available The Union of Guild will eventually build each full member guild a guild home. These said guild homes will subguilds of the nation of the Union and will focus on different economic plans. IE Glastonbury's town makes daggers, while the FSS town specialize's in hammers. Selection process of recipent guilds will be random and will continue until all charter member guilds have a Guild city of their own. NOTE: these subguild towns, will have duties and tariffs required to paid back to the Union, but in all other manners will be the Independent guild towns we had originally hoped for.

Indoctrination of new guilds as full members.

For a period of time until the planning committee decides otherwise, the indoctrination of new guilds into the Union of Indepedent guilds will transpire in this manner.

A strict measure of the funds spent by each guild member of the Union in funding construction and support of the central city shall be measured, the that total will be equally redistributed amongst member guilds.

IE 5 guilds have each paid 1.2 million gold coins in support and building cost to the central city of the Union, a 6th guild gets approved for full membership into the union. The total expenses of the 5 charter members=6million gold coins/New number of guilds<6>, therefore petioning member guild number 6 would be responsible to pay 1million gold coins, which would then be equally distributed to the 5 charter members, meaning that each full member of the Union will now have 1million gold coins invested in the Union.

Part III

Union Executive Policy.

The planning committee will be called into session at the very least once every fortnight, more often if situations warrant.

It is the responsibilty of all full member guilds to provide a representative to these meetings that is capable of making decisions(if their duely noted planning counselor cannot attend) Non-compliance with said rule will result in a commensurate fine set by the planning committee not to exceed 50,000 gold coins. The theory and the rationale behind this is that each member is not only a valuable asset but a required asset for the decision making process. No quorom votes will be held. All member guilds will be required to vote on any matter that is before the planning committee.

Rule of the majority. All Union policies set forth by the planning committee will be decided by majority vote. In case of ties the present chairman shall be issued a second vote with which to break the tie. Once an issue is decided upon it is endorsed wholeheartedly by all member guilds, not just the factions in the voting majority.
Unity in our actions concerning the central city of the Union is imperative for the success of our nation, in these perilous times.

All Planning committee meetings will be scheduled by the economic advisor and posted to a website for the Union of Independent guilds.

The planning committee will select a General Secretary who will record the minutes of planning committee meetings so that they me posted to the Union website. His other duties will include membership applications, and guild rolecall for planning committee meetings.

The economic advisor will be required to create an economic state of the Union package for each meeting, detailing financial records, payments, expenses, profits, etc. This will also be posted on the Union website.

All matters of financial orginization may be brought to the floor of the planning committee to be discussed and voted upon at said meeting.

All matters of foreign policy may be brought to the floor of the planning committee to be discussed but will be tabled for one meeting session to allow for said parties to research and make cases. In cases of military emergency, said matters of foreign policy may be voted upon immediatedly.

Non Voting Planning responsibilities...

Union sanctioned Events will beholden to member guilds. Each guild inturn will be responsible for running a Union wide sanctioned event once a week. The details and times for these events will be posted at the Union Website and all union member guilds are encourage although not required to participate.

Druez Traceless


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